A complete spectral methods / attributes project can often include 100's of deliverable volumes and terrabytes of data.
OpenGeoSolutions Spectral Navigator technology provides intuitive, interactive, visual navigation of project data (slice, inline, xline) through time / depth (relative to control horizons), inline, xline, frequency, curvature alpha, curvature type, effective Q, and offset with optional Spectral Discontinuity, Cultural Overlays and cross-hairs. We use RGB blending to provide navigational aid in time, frequency, offset, vintage (4-D), and dip azimuth. The images are further optimized to provide the best visual dynamic range.
For projects that include Spectral Inversion we also provide Count Between Thresholds (CBT) Navigators that enable exploration of the layering architecture softs / hards, for various window sizes and confidence levels.
Typical Navigators are now over 5,000,000 images, enabling day of delivery access to project results. Our customers use the Navigators to;
All Navigators now come with the ability to sketch on slice, inline and crossline views, and save or print the resulting images. The annotation is persistent so you can mark a feature on one slice....and watch the evolution of that feature through time/depth.
All Navigators come with "double-click" navigation enabled. Double-click on a feature of interest on the slice view....and the inline and crossline views update to the new location. You can also double-click a feature on the inline or crossline and the other two views will update.
Now you can truly "fly the data".